Tag: mock

Mock Designs

For the development part of this project I started to design some of the templates for the cards and how I would like the images to look on them. One of the challenges I faced whilst doing this was that the design needed to be simple enough for you to still be able to see the activity that is on the card. I also needed to related each card to its suit.

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My first design was very clear and simple. It showed the suits and I also put a boarder around the image to show exactly what the action was. However I received some feedback that the blue was very faint and clashed against the red, Knowing that the suit were going to change I tried the same thing with a different suit and the outcome was the same. So the next thing I would need to do would be to try some different designs.

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Whilst trying different designs I then realised that I would need to carefully think about each of the designs and the way they would look as a set, which led me to the conclusion that I needed to stick to one type of media, which I then chose to be illustrations instead of images.

With the new design that I created I thought it was really affective and simple. It also showed the colour of the suit clearly and the numbers. I made sure that the images didn’t overpower the fact that it is still a deck of cards that could be played. However something told me to try again and design something else.

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I then tried it with a red background, I found this design awful and it did not go with the illustrations as the some of them have colour and it blends in too well.  So back to the drawing board I went to incorporate all of these factors and create something that is clean and has a boarder but can also relate to the colour of the suit.

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I then tried similar to the first design but used a red boarder around it to indicate each suit. The boarder helps to show what the action needs to be done and there is also a clear clean indication of what suit it is.

The next step that I am going to take will be to start the outer packaging of the cards and the back on the cards.