Tag: research

Initial Ideas

To kick start this project, I was told by the people around me to consider doing something that relates to what I want to do after university. It took me a while to come up with an idea, However whilst I was doing work experience at a school something that we spoke about a lot was mental health in school and who it might affect. So after taking a look at some of the statistics.

After taking a look at these statistics I wanted to create something that would raise awareness of mental health but to children in school. The idea behind this was that it would make them aware of their surroundings and the people around them to be kind and considerate.  So the concept for this was going to be ‘ what makes me happy’. This would be short video of secondary school kids talking about what makes them happy. This would be to show how similar everyone is, however we all have different interests in what makes us happy.

After receiving some feedback on this idea I was told that it was very heavy and that my demographic could not be the kids as it would be their parents buying this. I would then have to take into consideration the parents and what information they would want their kids to know.

After weighing this feedback I thought it was time to go back to the drawing board and rethink this idea.

Whilst talking to my tutor we then simplified the idea and turned it around into a concept that would be much friendlier for kids and that al had a solid insight. This idea then changed to ‘raising happiness levels in students’ and the insight would be that “depression levels are rising in children”. I feel like this idea has a lot more substance and responds much better to my audience.

Zest of NeteRa – Packaging


So I started my research by looking at non – commercial handmade and organic product ranges. I did this because these are the ones that seem to experiment most and create more abstract designs. I like the simple but very practical designs for some of these products, For my packaging designs I would like to take the concept of the packaging above but also add some colour into it and an element of what some of the ingredients. So the next step I am going to take will be to make an additional moodboard that shows some element of colour and different patterns.


I then started to look at packaging with different colours in and different designs on the packaging. This gave me a better feel of what I wanted to do and the way I wanted my packaging to look. I also had to think about the way my packaging will look and the way it will look from design.

Zest of NeteRa – Research

The next thing I did was jumped straight into my research and really just taking a look into some of the current naturally made brands and what they are doing. I did this to make me aware what is being done currently in the advertising world regarding beauty and health care brands. I also looked at this to see what was successful and who are the most popular brands. I found that body shop and lush were two of the most popular high street brands that use natural products and lushh being one that is handmade stood out most to me, because this is the same thing that I would be marketing for.

From this I started to think about the next thing that I would need to do and really look at the way they represent themselves. So the next thing that I am going to do is to start designing my logo and thinking about the name.

D&AD – John Lewis

The first thing I had to do for this brief was to choose a brief from all the D&ad briefs and complete it. So the one I decided to choose was John Lewis. The brief for this was to develop an in store experience that would attract its current and future customers. The brief was the longer part of the overall brief and I wanted to come up with something that I would be able to relate to.

So to start with my ideas and what I wanted to do, I first needed to think of who I would be targeting, and what are the types of problems that might be faced whilst doing your shopping. The first thing that popped to my mind was children, and that it is very difficult to do your shopping whilst with them.

So I started to do some research to find my insight and what the exact problem is. From here I found the insight “kids ruin shopping each and every time”. I now needed to find a way to solve this problem. Which I them came up with the concept:


The idea for this was to keep kids distracted whilst shopping with an augmented reality game. I thought of this idea as kids like tablets and phones and ‘little johnnie’ is an easily accessible app for the young kids of john lewis to be distracted while their parents shop.

To show this idea I created a mock up of the app that would be kidi friendly and also an image that shows how it works.


The other elements o this app would be that you will have the same characters and the collectables would change depending on the seasons. The little icons could change if its easter, christmas, halloween etc. This also keeps it culturally relevant and also offers some excitement for the kids every time they go shopping instead of misery. It also keeps it up to date and prevents it from getting boring.

I chose animals as characters because although it may be a cliche, its easy and relevant for the kids to understand

I also created a quick image of how the app would work, just to show a scenario which it would be in.

Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 14.29.30

Some of the feedback I received regarding this brief was to create a case study video to help show users how this works. Going to film and edit became very difficult and feedback of my mockup was very poor and was not understood. I thought the best way for me to show how this app would work would be to create a simple still that would show what to do and demonstrate it.  In addition to this I decided to create extra supporting marketing material to really show them how this idea would work in real life and think about what it could look like if it was to be marketed.

For this next step I took some of John Lewis traditional advertising looks and interpreted this into my design, to show how I understand and have taken on board their design.

I also showed how it would work on a social media channel and what social media channel would be best for the audience we would be targeting.

I think the thing I would need to improve on most for this project would be how to visualise the idea and to help to show this idea and how it would work. At the beginning of this project I enjoyed it very much but as I started to find more problems, it became harder to solve and took the fun out of it. So the top thing ive learned from this is to think of all aspects before choosing a brief.

Visual reference – The workplace pension

My main visual reference would be the workplace pension as it shows the whole campaign around this creature and this creature represents the workplace pension. They use the same type of colour scheme throughout the campaign and you can automatically tell what campaign it is by first glance.

It also intrigues you to want to know more as it doesn’t show anything that looks like the workplace pension. They also manage to make something that is a serious issue into something fun and playful.

From this I came up with an concept, grow with me, that would be based around a creature who would show how this creature ,who would be the student, could make your company grow.


  • People need to know how they benefit from this
  • Also need something they want to look at Understand how their business will grow


Idea 2 – The big ring

My second idea was to create a games console that would have everything available on it

The insight for this is that kids are spending and increased amount of time on their games consoles whether it is gaming or anything else.

The idea is to have this games console that would have youtube, wwe network, the wwe games, the shop and many more other things. This is to also involve different aspects of keeping these kids connected, as a parent wouldn’t want to buy something out of their price range for just WWE.


Some of the feedback I received during my pitch included that he liked the way my insight really represented and you could see it throughout my ideas. He also like the way I showed ‘The big ring’ to also be a business venture and something they could think about in the future.

Research – Xbox kinect

One of the things I was inspired by would be the xbox kinect and the way they use kids being active to get them to play a game. This also appeals to the parents as they are a large factor in making things for children as they are the ones who would be paying for it.

I really like the way the kids interact with the game and it uses their movement to play the game. The idea of having movement in my idea intrigues me because it encourages kids to be active, Kids at the ages between 7-14 are currently active but also like to play games.

This is something I think I will use in my idea and design.

WWE – Who they are

So this brief for me is a blast from the past as it is one of the companies that I really remember as a child. When WWE came to brief us they gave us a very broad brief with is:


How can WWE maintain relevant positioning towards next generation fans (7-14year olds)

what new areas do WWE need to consider in order to stay relevant and maintain its positioning towards this target audience

Looking at this brief and what is stood before me I first started to look at some of the things they already have available to the public and what type of shows they have.

They have loads of shows for kids to watch but some that may be out of date or slightly childish for the target audience they are trying to appeal to.

Having a look at what is available already and some of the things they have tried or some of the things they haven’t tried yet I will next be looking at what I can create for the target audience to keep them interested.

The challenges final

When I presented to Zakti I went there with each of the challenges and the way that the campaign would be structured, each challenge would be presented so that there would be a clear structure and how each of these challenges relate to their audience. The main part of these challenges includes incentives which would help and encourage people to vote as everyone likes free stuff.

In this brief I think I did really well and went into my pitch with confidence. Throughout doing all these briefs I have really noticed an improvement in the way that I pitch and how if I’m more confident about my work the pitch will go more smoothly.