Tag: research

Research – The face of JD

Whilst looking around for similar campaigns around this brief I happened to stumble upon a very similar campaign called ‘be the next face of JD’ This campaign is very similar because they are both looking for a new model to represent a brand.

This campaign happens to be very interesting as they too used to use voting mechanisms. You would be able to to vote for anyone online and put forward their name.

One of the things I will be taking from this campaign is the bright colours and the way they make it look fun and interesting, which is also to do with their relation to their target audience.

The next step I will be taking would be to start putting together my challenges for the campaign.

Research – Fitness vloggers

Some of the Vloggers that I believe should be in this challenge is inspirational Vloggers who would already have the skills to film themselves to maintain this campaign as cost effective.

They would also be projection healthy and good tips for fitness which also relates to my campaign and would have a strong connection naturally with zakti.

Looking at these Vloggers would also help me find challenges which would best suit their expertise.

David Attenborough – Natural world

To kick start my research I started by watching some of BBC natural world documentaries in which David Attenborough starred in. I watched these videos to give me inspiration about some of the shots I would need to think about whilst shooting for my short advertisement for Vidsy.

The brief

To create an advertisement making people aware of where richmond park is and that they should leave nothing, tread lightly and take nothing.


When we got this brief I found it really difficult to think of ideas and to think of a concept that is playful but still serious enough to get the message across.

My next step is to think about what my idea is and how i can show this in a way that will attract millennia’s.


Research – Air bnb

For my research I decided to explore one of generators competitors which would be air bnb. I had a look at one of their adverts and the concept for this advert is ‘Don’t go there.Live there’ I really like the way they have executed this concept and shown the way that they can give a real and personal feeling to the video.

This is something that is in our brief and that I would really like to be able to execute in my video. I think I will do this by taking the personal elements, like making things personal for each individual person in what they might like.

Generator – who they are

My first step whilst receiving this brief the first thing I had to do was look at the company and what they actually do. I had to do this to fully understand what id need to be creating and who for.

As I see it, I understand that generator is a hostel company that doesn’t just supply rooms they supply a whole experience for their customers. This includes food, adventure, and a space to relax.

The next thing I will be doing will be to look at other contesters and what type of advertisements or promotional videos they do.

Research – Terms and conditions

Whilst doing research on digital footprint campaigns I stumbled across this social experiment that I found really interesting to look at.

I found this so interesting because it really shows that people don’t actually know where their information is going and what they are allowing companies or apps to do with their information. Thinking about this I could think about a concept that challenges the way we think and what we are not aware of.

I also like the style of live video because it really makes it look like reality an engages people as they won’t really doubt whether it is real or not.

To move forward I think I will really start thinking about the concept and how I can incorporate all the things I have gathered from all my research.

Research – Digital footprint campaign

After looking around for digital footprint campaigns I really had a think about what I would like to do and how it would look. Whilst browsing around for campaigns I come across this campaign for digital footprints and I liked the concept of what they were trying to show, however I found that I didn’t like the execution of the campaign.

Looking at this and being able to spot out what I don’t like and what I think works well will help me to think about how I can execute my short film and how I can make it not look bad. This includes my skills and the editing of this short film and just finalise my concept to make it a bit clearer for people to understand, especially because the people that will be viewing this will be bankers.

Research – Real life stories

To start researching I decided to look at real life stories and some of the things people have been through, just to really get a grasp of what can happen if you don’t protect yourself and your digital footprint.

Looking at some of these stories it is more about identity theft and how if you don’t protect yourself or just use basic common sense things can go really badly.

Getting a feel of the things people go through has helped me to think of scenarios on what people can do to protect themselves or what they can do to just in general help them. For our storyboard I will also be thinking about scenarios of how peoples identity can get stolen and all the different type of ways someone can creep up on them.

To further my research I will be thinking about existing campaigns that show how to protect or just in general make people aware of their digital footprint.

Research – The workplace pension


For one of my inspirations for the barclays brief I had a look at the workplace pension advertisements. One of the things I really like about this campaign is that they have used this creature that looks friendly and comforting as a symbol for the workplace pension. Instead of making it into a really boring advertisement they have made it to look like it is friendly and easy to accept. At the beginning of some of the advertisements you don’t really know whats going on and then towards the end you finally understand the concept.

This works really well for this advertisement because at the end you finally understand what it is about and it really grips you to keep on watching it right until the end.

I think that looking at this advertisement I will start to think about using ‘something’ to represent the digital footprint. This way It would be more creative and better to look at when you don’t make things so obvious and will engage the audience a lot more.

Research – Monument Valley game

Whilst looking for ways in which I could create my design I came across this monument valley game which shows illustrations created in a block type of way. Each design has its own different type of work which I really like. I also like the way the colours each represent the different type of world that has been created. Also the type of shapes that are used also match the colours.

I think for my illustration I will explore using this type of work and whilst looking at their work I realised they use isometric shapes to design these worlds ,so for my work I will think about experimenting with this type of design